Advantages of PHP Development
PHP Hypertext Processor is a server-side web programming language
that can be embedded into HTML. PHP uses are widespread, and can
include any kind of server functionality that takes user's input and
displays or manipulates the input. PHP can run on both UNIX and Windows
servers, which makes it more accessible than Windows (ASP). This
scripting language is growing day by day. PHP5 a fully object oriented
language and its platform independence and speed on Linux server helps
to build large and complex web applications.
PHP is a particularly useful programming language because it allows for advanced programming
and is easy to integrate with web pages. Another plus of PHP is that
the language interfaces very well with MySQL, a popular type of online
database. MYSQL is a commercial grade database application that is made
available free under the Open Source to anyone. Another plus of PHP is
that it is Open Source Code. The actual code that is PHP is available
to the public for free, while the source code for products such as ASP
is not. So PHP is very cheap. Because PHP is open source, there is a
large community of PHP programmers that help each other with code. This
means PHP programmers can rely on each other by using reusable pieces
of code called functions and classes rather than constantly reinventing
the wheel. This can dramatically cut down on production time.
PHP is based on C++ language and the syntax used in PHP is quite
similar to C/C++. C/C++ is still considered the best programming
language by many programmers and people who love this language would
surely feel more comfortable with the syntax of PHP.
PHP and MySQL are excellent choice for webmasters looking to automate
their web sites. Now search spiders "see" all the content on a PHP
page, the same way it is viewed in a browser. The creation of a
php-shopping cart is surprisingly simple and when done with precision
it could translate into a highly effective and universally accepted
php-shopping cart.
About the Author
Nasir Mehmood is a Senior Web Marketing Executive at customized web site design .
MechTechnologies is a professional web design company that offers affordable custom web site design and development.
We are always there to help you become owner of a great web site for affordable price. You can view our portfolio here